- Log in to your online account on the Member Portal and go to the Works + Shares menu.
- Search to find the work you need to update on your ‘Works & Shares’ menu.
Tip: You can search for the work by Title or by ISN. The search bar is at the far right of your Works table. Select which search you want to do by selecting this downward arrow. - Once you've found the work you want to update, click ‘Details’ and scroll to ‘Shares’ to either view the breakdown of all other shareholders on a book (if they are already registered), or if they are not added yet, you can select 'Provide Shares' button.
Note: If you can't see these buttons it may be due to your account permissions. Permissions to update a payment share is set by your account’s primary contact. You can see your accounts primary contact on your ‘Manage Access’ page under your profile.
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