Search to find the work you need to update on your ‘Works and Shares’ menu.
Then click ‘Details’ to view the information about that work, and scroll to ‘Shares’ to view the breakdown of all other shareholders on that book.
If you have permission, you will see an ‘Edit’ button.
Once you select edit, you will be able to edit any existing shareholder, delete by selecting the cross, or you will see an 'Add Shareholder' button to add a new row. Once you finishing making your updates, don't forget to save your changes. If you change or add a new a share, we will notify the affected shareholder/s.
About Permission
Permissions to update a payment share is set by your account’s primary contact. You can see your accounts primary contact on your ‘Manage Access’ page under your profile.
Learn how you can invite others to manage access to your account.