Members can opt into Copyright Agency Licence Schemes to become eligible to receive payments under those licences we manage. Opting into these schemes provides opportunities for you to receive a share of payments from the licence fees we collect.
Currently they are:
- Pay-per-use: allows use of specific works for specific uses e.g. the use of an image at an event.
- International: allows use of your works in other countries, where organisations similar to Copyright Agency collect copyright payments for Australian creators and publishers.
- Full text subscriber databases: allows inclusion of journal articles in full text services such as Informit, Ebsco and Proquest.
- Images in TV programs: allows us to collect royalties from Screenrights for you if your image has been shown on TV and recorded by an education institution or government, or retransmitted. Alternatively, you can become a member of Screenrights and receive any payments directly from Screenrights.
- Blanket: allows use of all the works opted in by members, for example in a workplace.
Use of Generative AI tools in the workplace
As part of our blanket licences to businesses for use of copyright material in the workplace, we enable staff to use copyright material in prompts to generate outputs from AI tools, such as summaries, and to copy and share outputs with colleagues.
See Can I change my mind about which licence scheme I opt into?