If you see ‘Yes’ under ‘Shares Advised’ on your Works + Shares or Payments table, it means your account has registered payment share information for that book title.
Usually, if shares are registered, you will not need to share any payments for that book with any other entitled shareholders. In some cases, you may have registered shares but the creator is not a member of Copyright Agency and you will need to pass on that payment to that creator in full. Please refer to the 'Payment for' column.
You’ll be able to see your share entitlement under the ‘My Share’ column on your Works table, or open the ‘Details’ of work from the Works table.
If there is a 'No' under the 'Shares Advised' column, it means shares have not been registered for those books. You can upload many at a time by using the Works & Shares button, or clicking on ‘Details’ on that row to provide them for just that title.
If you see an 'N/A' for under 'Shares Advised' it means that work type is ineligible for shares. We only accept shares for books.