You can initiate a refund through your online account.
- Log in to your online account on the Member Portal
- Select the ‘Payments’ menu at the top right
- You'll then be directed to our new Payments Dashboard
- Select 'Refund a Payment'
- Then you'll be directed to the 'Refunds' Tab. Find the work you wish to refund, either by searching by title, or ISN or using the sort and filters.
- Once you find the work/s, select the checkbox to the left and some options under ‘Refund Selected’ will appear. Select the option that applies.
- You will then be directed to a ‘Refund confirmation’ screen which will provide instructions of how to transfer the total payment to Copyright Agency’s nominated bank account.
Note: You will be provided a unique Reference Number to include in the description or comments of your transfer with your bank. Including this number will help us match your refund with the works, so it is important you include it.
Once you confirm to deposit the total on the ‘Refund confirmation’ screen, we’ll update the status of those works in your Payments.
We’ll also send you an email with these details to remind you to make the transfer.
When we’ve received that payment, we will continue to show that work as a negative payment line, so your records will match up to that payment at $0.00.