For individually licensed private education providers (i.e. not universities, TAFEs or schools licensed under separate blanket agreements), the following is a guide:
Literary works
- 10% of the number of pages or one chapter (whichever is greater) for a hardcopy work; or
- 10% of the number of words or one chapter (whichever is greater) for an electronic work.
An article in an issue of a periodical (such as a journal, newspaper or magazine), or more than one article from the same publication if the articles are on the same subject.
Musical works
- 10% of a music score.
- The whole of an image for an electronic work; or
- The whole of an image if accompanied by surrounding text for a hardcopy work.
- Reproduce a literary or dramatic work of no more than 15 pages published in a printed
Where the work is not “commercially available”
If the work is not commercially available, you can copy as much of a work as you need for educational purposes. Something will not be “commercially available” if it is not available within a reasonable time at an ordinary commercial price.