Sometimes, we need to verify who is entitled to collect Copyright Agency payments for a work. This happens when a work has not previously received a payment. We call this process ‘Verifying a work’.
If you’ve received an email from us, or see a new alert ‘New Unverified Works!’ on your Member Portal, login and select Works + Shares from the top right-hand menu.
Click on the alert or the ‘Unverified Works’ tab to see all those works that require your review.
Select from the checkboxes against each line to ‘Select an action’. You can apply one action to many records.
You can verify multiple works by selecting the checkboxes on the left for the relevant works, or you can select all by checking the checkbox at the top of the column.
Note: If you don’t verify a work within 14 days, we will assume our research is correct and that you are entitled to collect payment for those works. It is important that you inform us if our research is incorrect and the title does not belong to you.
You only need to verify the work once. All future payments for use of the work will be made automatically.
Hint: You can select up to 100 works by increasing the Rows per page option in the bottom right of the page.